Sunday, January 24, 2010

Happy 20th Birthday!!

This is specially dedicated to a friend who has been a great sister in Christ, an awesome listener, with a gentle spirit and lotzz of love. Since in college, she has been a cheerful, lively and encouraging friend. We share something in common, we like to EAT! also, more importantly, we share the same God! going to church together was really a great deal of fun, especially worship practices=D i've seen her grow in the Lord, striving to be a better for the Lord; letting God be the centre and the first in her life; learning to lean, trust and surrender everything to His mighty hands. quiet as she may seem to many, or this might be her nature(quite opposite of what i am ^^), but she's someone passionate for the Lord and that's what counts! with the ability of get things moving, the gift of singing and a willing heart, i'm sure the Lord'll use her in a very special way to touch people and for the expansion of His kingdom=D nevertheless, it's really fun and a great pleasure to have her in my life. thank God for Agnes!

AGNNEESSSSS!!!! Happy bithday!! May your year ahead be filled with God's blessings overflowing in your life, and may His love, joy, peace and hope be with you everyday, may He guard your heart and light your every step! May you continue to shine for the Lord!!

hehe.. mandarin songs!! not bad, huh?=D

謝謝你燦爛笑容 照亮我的天空
謝謝你分享心情 把我放在你心中
夜裡有時會寒冷 你我生根同暖土
友情是最亮的星 我的生命從此美麗

一起向藍天歡呼 像白雲招手

在這特別的一天 我的心向你唱著祝福
願 神天天帶領你 伴你過人生路 我最親愛的朋友
我的微笑和燭光中 有我最深的祝福和最虔誠的祈禱
祝你生日快樂 願平安跟隨你
祝你生日快樂 願主愛擁抱你
祝你生日快樂 願平安跟隨你
祝你生日快樂 生命不再空虛 一生為主而活
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh 天天充滿祂的喜樂盼望
Happy Birthday to you(*3)

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