Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Yes, No, Maybe, I don't Know?

Decisions decisions decisions...
How do we discern?
Whether it will bring celebrations,
Or whether it will build up more tension?
Not that doing right is not the concern,
But how to know if it is the right decision?

God's word, prayer and intercession.
Wise counsel, rationality and conscience.
Try having a heart of obedience.
Peace, some say, is the confirmation,
That right it is, the decision.

Live with the consequences.
If necessary, try to make amendments.
Bitter or sweet the experience,
It's all a process of learning to listen,
To that still small voice in the midst of confusion.

Hold fast to the assurance, that,
In their hearts humans plan their course,
But the LORD establishes their steps.
The Lord makes firm the steps
Of the one who delights in him;
Though he may stumble, he will not fall,
For the Lord upholds him with his hand.